30min Full Body | STRENGTH & SWEAT
About: A feel good, and dynamic workout that incorporates pretty much all of your muscle groups. Plan to do a 8min strength challenge incorporating squats, deadlifts, rows, and presses. Followed by some sweat inducing, heart pumping intervals that can be done low impact or high impact.
20min Gentle Core | SUPPORT
About: A gentle core activation to help support your daily activities or to help you get back into things after injury, or to prep you for your favourite more dynamic activities. This workout should leave you feeling like your core is giving a big hug!
Equipment Needed: 1 medium - heavy we...
20min Full Body + AMRAP | STRENGTH
About: An entirely rep based workout done AMRAP style. AMRAP = As Many Rounds As (feels) Possible / good for you! Plan to deadlift, squat, press overhead, and plank. Entirely low impact and wrist friendly if need be.
Equipment Needed: A set of medium weights + possibly another set of light...
15min Glutes + Hamstring Mobility | STRETCH
About: Feeling some tension through the back of your legs, and glutes? This sequence will help create a bit more space posteriorly in your body.
Equipment Needed: Something to use as a yoga strap. I use a long sleeve shirt rolled up
Playlist: Music in the video :)
Intensity: Type 1 Fun...
30min Full Body | SUPPORT & SWEAT
About: The perfect combo of sweat and feel good support style movements to get you feeling sweaty! Plan to plank, single legged deadlift, donkey kick, and bird-dog.
Similar style workout - https://watch.afewfunmoves.com/videos/45min-full-body-type-3-fun-support-sweat
Equipment Needed: al...
20min Upper Body | SUPPORT & STRENGTH
About: an upper body quickie! Plan to work your shoulders, and to row, bicep curl, overhead press, and tricep extend. Don't mind me being a lill goofy in this one
Equipment Needed: a set of medium weights and a set of light weights
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/16T0pQDzcwqe...
30min Pre-Bed Relaxation | STRETCH + MEDITATION
About: a very nice relaxing stretch and meditation style stretch to help calm your body and brain. Perfect for easing you into sleep, or taking a moment to relax during your day.
Equipment Needed: All bodyweight. But make sure you're cozy
Playlist: relaxing tunes in the video :)
30min Relaxing Mobility | STRETCH
About: A relaxing full body mobility sequence to help get your body and brain feeling nice, any time of the day
Equipment Needed: something to use as a yoga strap! Could grab a longer towel, long sleeve shirt, or pair of leggings if you don't have a strap
Playlist: https://open.spotify.co...
30min Upper Body | STRENGTH
About: An entirely upper body focused strength workout focusing on pulling, and pushing style upper body movements. Plan to chest press, single arm row, lat pull down, and kneeling press.
Equipment Needed: a set of light weights, medium weights, and a lacrosse, golf, or trigger point ball...
30min Full Body | SUPPORT
About: A nice full body workout that will incorporate a bunch of different movements to challenge your full body stability all while keeping things low impact.
Equipment Needed: a set of very light weights (optional to do bodyweight if you prefer)
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playl...
30min Full Body | STRENGTH & SWEAT
About: A full body strengthening and heart pumping workout featuring 1 strength set followed by some all bodyweight intervals. Low impact options available. Plan to squat, deadlift, chest press, side lunge, row, and plank
Equipment Needed: A set of medium weights
Playlist: https://open.s...
30min Full Body Mobility | STRETCH
About: A real nice full body mobility sequence that will slowly wake you and your body up and get you feeling great for the rest of your day!
Equipment Needed: a mat + space to move around and a yoga strap or make shift yoga strap like a long towel, long sleeve shirt, or old pair of leggi...
20min Hips + Upper Body | STRETCH
About: upper back and hips feeling a lill tight!? Give this real nice combo mobility sequence a try to gently create some extra space for your hips and back
Equipment Needed: a mat and space to move around!
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0pjcw0xIuQSmGoRROXmp9d?si=90cf9f34db1b...
25min Full Body Summer HIIT | SWEAT
About: The perfect get you sweaty quick workout! Expect to side plank, slide side lunge, lateral shuffle, skater, and plank. Low impact options available.
Equipment Needed: You can do this workout bodyweight or using 2 light-medium weights
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Vb...
20min Full Body + Feel Good | STRENGTH
About: A quick and low impact strength workout thats perfect to ease you back into a movement routine or for those days you just need something quick to get your brain and body feeling good. Expect to kneeling halo, split squat, plank, squat to press, and heel drop.
Equipment Needed: a set...
30min All Core + Oblique Focus | STRENGTH & SUPPORT
About: Looking to connect to your deeper core muscles? Give this workout a try. There will be an emphasis on your obliques but really you'll leave this workout feeling like your whole core is giving you a big hug. Expect to plank, side plank, crunch, standing wood chop, and suitcase carry m...
30min Full Body | SWEAT
About: a heart pumping sweat inducing workout. Plan to lunge, plank, squat, and burpee. Low impact options available.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/50ME0DW3Ta51Rj8FmyUlxT?si=ee8abfa59c594dce
Equipment Needed: All bodyweight! Option to use an elevated surface like a stable co...
20min Biceps + Triceps | STRENGTH
About: a quick all tricep and bicep focused workout. Expect to tricep extend, bicep curl, push press, and tricep push-up.
Equipment Needed: A set of light weights + 1 medium weight
Playlist: Music in the video :)
Intensity: Type 2 Fun
Release Date: March 28th, 2023
30min Cardio + Core | SWEAT
About: A hear pumpin workout that will get your core working in some fun and unique ways. Expect to plank, deadlift, bicep curl, and roll up. Low impact options available
Equipment Needed: 1 medium weight
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4K2WE3YeB1QMZu2ywIcX54?si=67136fe5b279...
30min Core + Glutes | SUPPORT & STRENGTH
About: This workout will get your core, glutes, and hamstrings feeling some love. Expect to start off slower with some paced pelvic floor activation followed by some glute bridges and deadlifts.
Equipment Needed: A set of medium weights and if you have it a foam roller or yoga block (some...
20min Happy Hips Mobility | STRETCH
About: Hips in need of some love? Try out this mobility sequence that will help create more space for your hips. Expect to half kneel, glute bridge, glute stretch, and work on some hip rotations.
Equipment Needed: access to a wall and optional medium-heavy weight
Playlist: Music in the v...
30min Lower Body + Glutes | SUPPORT
About: All lower body and glute focused workout that will incorporate a variety of ranges of motion to help get all sections of your glutes working and feeling good. Plan to leg lift, side lunges, deadlift, squat, and glute bridge.
Equipment Needed: All bodyweight with an option to do the...
30min Upper Body | STRENGTH
What to expect: An entirely upper body focused workout that will get your back, chest, shoulders, feeling some love! Plan to row, chest press, overhead press, and shoulder raise.
Equipment Needed: a set of light-medium weights, 1 heavier weights, and an elevated surface for your bent over...
30min Full Body | SWEAT
About: A full body interval style workout with a rep based challenge to finish it off. Expect to plank, lunge, press over head, and squat. Options to keep it low impact if need be
Equipment Needed: A set of light-medium weights
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ZxGsTtoNr5JZ7bD...