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  • NEW 25min Hip Strength & Mobility | STRENGTH


    About: mobilize, stabilize, and strengthen your hips through a variety of movements. Expect to single legged deadlift, glute bridge, and Copenhagen plank.

    Equipment Needed: an elevated surface like a stool, bench or ottoman, foam roller or block, 1 light-medium weight, and access to a wal...

  • 20min Resistance Band Glutes | SUPPORT


    About: An entirely glute focused workout to get things feeling activated, and supported. Expect to work on your lateral glute strength (glute medius) as well as your glute max through lateral walks, standing clam shells, glute bridges, and deadlift variations. A fun one to revisit weekly!

  • 15min Ankle Mobility | STRETCH

    About: ankles feeling a bit tight!? Feel like you have limited range of motion in your ankles when squatting? Give this mobility sequence a try!

    Equipment Needed: a foam roller, and a light-medium dumbbell

    Playlist: Music in the video

    Intensity: Type 1 Fun

    Release Date: August 19th, 2024

  • 5min Run Warm-up


    About: a quick warm-up to prep your body for any style of run. This can be done inside, or outside and doesn't require you to put your hands down on anything so you can do it entirely standing.

    Equipment Needed: all bodyweight

    Playlist: Music in the video

    Intensity: Type 2 Fun


  • 45min Full Body | STRENGTH


    About: Today we will be focusing on lower body strength in the form of squats and lunges, and some upper body, and core work to help supplement. Plan to squat, row, lunge, plank, and calf raise.

    If you enjoy this workout with me you can use code: Use code GETMOVING to get 50% off your fir...

  • 30min Athletic Glutes | STRENGTH


    About: A workout to help strengthen your glutes for all of your athletic endeavours. Great for cyclists, runners, hikers, and walkers BUT also great for anyone who wants strong glutes for life. Low impact, and wrist friendly.

    Equipment Needed: a yoga block or stack of books + 1 medium - h...

  • 30min Hip Focused | STRENGTH


    About: Hips in need of some strength work? Give this workout a try! Plan to work your glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings, quads, and core. This workout is also entirely wrist friendly, and low impact.

    Equipment Needed: 1 medium-heavy weight (depending on how you're feeling) and option to use...

  • 30min Hip Stability | SUPPORT


    About: all things hip stability! Great for my pals who are walkers, runners, hikers, cyclists, or yogis. Plan to work your core and glutes through a variety of low impact and slow movements

    Equipment Needed: a yoga block or stack of sturdy books and a resistance band if you have one!


  • 45min Runners Strength + Mobility | DO IT ALL


    About: Are you a runner who's looking for a workout that will help support your running goals? This workout will do exactly that! The perfect collection of exercises to help stabilize, strengthen, and mobilize your body. Plan to deadlift, squat, calf raise, glute bridge, and row.


  • 20min Happy Hips | STRETCH


    About: Hips feeling all sorts of cranky or creaky? This sequence will help mobilize and sneakily strengthen as well.

    Equipment Needed: all bodyweight. Option to use yoga blocks or books to help bring the floor to you!


  • 22min Post Run | STRETCH


    About: Are you a runner? Give this 22min post run stretch a go. TBH...Even if you aren't a runner this lower body focused stretch is great for everyone to do!

    Equipment: You will want to be near a wall, chair, or couch to use for the juicy quad stretch :)


  • 20min All Glutes | SUPPORT


    About: This all glute focused workout will get you working your glutes by learning how to use proper hip extension to get your glutes going, along with some lateral hip flexion movements that help to strengthen your lateral hip stabilizers. Expect to clam shell, glute bridge, side lunge, an...

  • 8min Pre Run Activation | SUPPORT


    About: Are you a runner, jogger, or walker? Give this quick pre run warm-up/activation a try before your next outing. We will do a few fun moves to help support your body, and turn on some main muscle groups to help your runs feel smoother, more enjoyable, and hopefully injury free!


  • 30min Knee Strength | SUPPORT & STRENGTH


    About: Are you a runner, cyclist, hiker, walker, or an any kind of Fun Mover!? This workout is for you! Just A Few Fun Moves to help keep your knees feeling healthy, strong, and stable.

    Equipment: A wall (for wall sits and a rear foot raised quad stretch), and a shirt, towel, or band to u...

  • 20min All Core | STRENGTH


    About: Get your core going! Expect to plank, side plank, suitcase carry, and cannon ball crunch (I think I made this name up...). HAVE Funnnnnn

    Equipment Needed: 1 heavy weight!

    Playlist: Music in the vid :)

    Intensity: Type 2 Fun

    Release Date: Feb 14th, 2021

  • 45min Full Body + Heavy-ish Weights | STRENGTH


    About: Give this all rep based strength workout a try. Expect to deadlift, lunge, row, chest press, and options to kettlebell or dumbbell swing. *I list this workout as a 'Type 3 Fun' because it requires some more complex understanding of properly dead-lifting and lunging. If you are a beg...

  • 30min Lower Body | STRENGTH


    About: An entirely lower body focused strength workout where we will lunge, deadlift, glute bridge, sumo squat, and dumbbell "swing".

    Equipment Needed: A set of medium weights + 1 heavy weight (you could use your set of medium weights as your 1 heavier weight)


  • 30min Cardio + Core | SWEAT


    About: An entirely at your own pace interval style workout featuring some Fun Moves to strengthen your core, and get your heart rate up. Low impact options available. Plan to half kneel chop, plank, lateral squat, and side step.

    Equipment Needed: 1 medium-ish weight

    Playlist: https://op...

  • 35min Full Body + 'Run Prep' Inspired | SWEAT

    131. PREVIOUSLY LIVE ON JULY 7th, 2021

    *Skip to 12:30min mark to start your workout*

    About: A fun full bod 'run prep' inspired sweat inducing workout. Not a runner? NP! This workout will be fun and relevant towards any kind of outdoor fun moves. Low impact options available.

    Equipment Needed...