Lower Body Focused

Lower Body Focused

All things lower body focused! Big muscles like your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Never forgetting about all the smaller muscles in between ;)

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Lower Body Focused
  • NEW ✨ 15min Knee Support | STRENGTH & SUPPORT


    About: a workout that can be frequently revisited to help strengthen the tissue to help support your knees

    Equipment Needed: all bodyweight, but option for something that slides like a towel on concrete/hardwood floor or cardboard on carpet. If you don't have this don't worry! The workout ...

  • NEW ✨ 30min Athletic Glutes | STRENGTH


    About: A workout to help strengthen your glutes for all of your athletic endeavours. Great for cyclists, runners, hikers, and walkers BUT also great for anyone who wants strong glutes for life. Low impact, and wrist friendly.

    Equipment Needed: a yoga block or stack of books + 1 medium - h...

  • 30min Hip Focused | STRENGTH


    About: Hips in need of some strength work? Give this workout a try! Plan to work your glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings, quads, and core. This workout is also entirely wrist friendly, and low impact.

    Equipment Needed: 1 medium-heavy weight (depending on how you're feeling) and option to use...

  • 30min Hip Stability | SUPPORT


    About: all things hip stability! Great for my pals who are walkers, runners, hikers, cyclists, or yogis. Plan to work your core and glutes through a variety of low impact and slow movements

    Equipment Needed: a yoga block or stack of sturdy books and a resistance band if you have one!


  • 30min Lower Body + Core | SUPPORT


    About: Find some movement in your hips, along with core strength to help you connect your lower body to your core. Plan to glute bridge, kickstand deadlift, and plank.

    Equipment Needed: All bodyweight

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1icP5t2g2Zct1XNIrItlcr?si=9e48ea01148646b4...

  • 15min Glutes + Hamstring Mobility | STRETCH


    About: Feeling some tension through the back of your legs, and glutes? This sequence will help create a bit more space posteriorly in your body.

    Equipment Needed: Something to use as a yoga strap. I use a long sleeve shirt rolled up

    Playlist: Music in the video :)

    Intensity: Type 1 Fun...

  • 35min Lower Body | STRENGTH & SWEAT


    About: a sweaty lower body workout thats perfect for runners, or cyclists! Plan to split stance deadlift, side lunge, deadlift, and hip thrust.

    Equipment Needed: A set of medium weights and 1 heavier weight

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2oS65PKuUKDcj6NXrgYDhX?si=fb94d52398...

  • 10min All Glutes | SUPPORT


    About: a quick glute activator that you can do on its own, paired with your other fav quick AFFM workout, or before on of your outdoor Fun Moves. Plan to glute bridge, and clam shell

    Equipment Needed: all bodyweight

    Playlist: Music in the video :)

    Intensity: Type 1.75 Fun

    Release Date: ...

  • 20min Hips + Upper Body | STRETCH


    About: upper back and hips feeling a lill tight!? Give this real nice combo mobility sequence a try to gently create some extra space for your hips and back

    Equipment Needed: a mat and space to move around!

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0pjcw0xIuQSmGoRROXmp9d?si=90cf9f34db1b...

  • 35min Glutes + Hamstrings | STRENGTH


    About: Hamstrings and glutes looking for some love?! Give this workout a try. All low impact and featuring sumo deadlifts, glute bridges, glute kickbacks, and split stance deadlifts.

    Equipment Needed: yoga block or stack of books, set of medium weights or 1 heavy weight, and an elevated ...

  • 30min Core + Glutes | SUPPORT & STRENGTH


    About: This workout will get your core, glutes, and hamstrings feeling some love. Expect to start off slower with some paced pelvic floor activation followed by some glute bridges and deadlifts.

    Equipment Needed: A set of medium weights and if you have it a foam roller or yoga block (some...

  • 20min Happy Hips Mobility | STRETCH


    About: Hips in need of some love? Try out this mobility sequence that will help create more space for your hips. Expect to half kneel, glute bridge, glute stretch, and work on some hip rotations.

    Equipment Needed: access to a wall and optional medium-heavy weight

    Playlist: Music in the v...

  • 30min Lower Body + Glutes | SUPPORT


    About: All lower body and glute focused workout that will incorporate a variety of ranges of motion to help get all sections of your glutes working and feeling good. Plan to leg lift, side lunges, deadlift, squat, and glute bridge.

    Equipment Needed: All bodyweight with an option to do the...

  • 30min Lower Body | STRENGTH & SWEAT


    What to expect: a sweat inducing strength focused workout designed to get your lower body feeling spicy and strong! Plan to deadlift, sumo squat, glute bridge, jump squat, and lateral hop. Options to keep it low impact if need be. This workout is also entirely wrist friendly.

    Equipment Nee...

  • 20min All Glutes | SUPPORT


    About: all glutes!!!! Perfect as a pre outdoor fun moves warm-up, or paired with your other fav quick AFFM workout. Expect to donkey kick, clam shell, single legged deadlift, and glute bridge.

    Equipment Needed: All bodyweight - but possibly a piece of furniture nearby to help with balance...

  • 20min Happy Hips | STRETCH


    About: Hips feeling all sorts of cranky or creaky? This sequence will help mobilize and sneakily strengthen as well.

    Equipment Needed: all bodyweight. Option to use yoga blocks or books to help bring the floor to you!

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4DhdUyHgp2OtE0f9sKV0yK?si=0...

  • 40min Lower Body + Core | SUPPORT


    About: an entirely lower body + core focused workout thats entirely bodyweight and will be done mostly low to the ground! Expect a lill spice for your glutes and core. Expect to glute bridge, clam shell, side plank, single legged deadlift and squats, and plank.

    Equipment: All bodyweight


  • 15min Happy Hip Flexors | STRETCH


    About: Hip flexors feeling a lill tight from sitting, or your favourite Fun Moves like cycling, running, walking, or hiking? You should give this a try :)

    Equipment Needed: Just your mat! Make sure sure to pad your knees by either folding your mat over, or using something as a cushion.


  • 20min Happy Ankles & Calves | STRETCH


    About: Ankles and calves need some love!? This is for you! We will start off with some self release work on your calves, then finish with some drills to help create a little more length and space for your ankles to move with a bit more mobility. It's best to do this with no shoes on!


  • 30min Lower Body | STRENGTH


    About: An entirely lower body focused strength workout where we will lunge, deadlift, glute bridge, sumo squat, and dumbbell "swing".

    Equipment Needed: A set of medium weights + 1 heavy weight (you could use your set of medium weights as your 1 heavier weight)

    Playlist: https://open.spot...

  • 20min All Glutes | SUPPORT


    About: This all glute focused workout will get you working your glutes by learning how to use proper hip extension to get your glutes going, along with some lateral hip flexion movements that help to strengthen your lateral hip stabilizers. Expect to clam shell, glute bridge, side lunge, an...

  • 45min Core + Lower Body | SUPPORT

    198. PREVIOUSLY LIVE ON Jan 15th, 2022

    About: an entirely core, and lower body focused support style workout. Plan for a continuous sequence of movements like planks, donkey kicks, side lunges, and bicycles. There will be an option to pick it up a bit towards the end and get some 'sweat' in if y...

  • 30min Lower Body + Core | SWEAT


    About: Lower body and core sweat inducing all interval style workout. Expect to side plank, kickstand deadlift, squat, dead-bug, and high knee.

    Equipment Needed: All bodyweight! Option to use weights for kickstand deadlifts if you want.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1RGavI...

  • 50min Happy Ankles + Gentle Lower Body | DO IT ALL


    About: Expect to do a little bit of everything during this gentle lower body and ankle support style workout. We will mobilize our ankles and calves, then play around with some fun stability and balance drills, followed by some strength and agility style moves to challenge your ankle stabi...