4-Week Strength Schedule

4-Week Strength Schedule

4 Seasons

Welcome to a '4-Week Strength Focused Fun Moves Schedule'. This schedule was designed to get you moving, and feeling strong physically and mentally. This schedule is entirely low impact, and strength focused. Expect to work on our 5 main movement patterns: Squat, Hinge, Row, Push, and Lunge. If you feel like you need assistance with any of those movements PLS check out the 'How To' series prior to starting. There are lots of hidden tips, tricks, and tools in there to help you and your body get the most out of these movements.

Ideally this schedule is to be completed over a 4 week period, starting whenever you feel comfortable. Download the PDF calendar, and/or Insta template to follow along. There are 4 workouts to be completed each week. Always remember that this schedule is a guideline to help you stay on track with getting moving, feeling good, and having fun. If you miss a day, or need to replace a day with a mellow stretch, or walk absolutely *NO STRESS*.

Some hot tips for having fun during this schedule:

1. Tell a friend, family member, or pal about your schedule. Maybe even get them to join in with you. Movement buddies rule!
2. Check out the 'How To' series for any movements you feel like you need some extra assistance with.
3. Decide what time of the day is best for you to complete your workouts and stick with it. Morning person? Lunch break? After work? Pick a time, schedule it in, and make it happen. Even better if you have your movement buddy ;)
4. If printing out the schedule helps to keep you on track go for it. You can also download the insta template to share with your pals for accountability.
5. Join the AFFM Community Hub :)
6. ALWAYS remember that this schedule was created for YOU. If completing the workouts in 5 weeks works best for you? Do that! Want to add on more STRETCH workouts into the routine? Go for it! Need more REST days? Take them!
7. Need any help or have Q's? email me at [email protected] or send me a DM @afewfunmoves



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4-Week Strength Schedule
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  • 30min Full Body + Push Focused | STRENGTH

    Episode 1

    107. PREVIOUSLY LIVE ON MAY 12th 2021

    *Skip to 6min mark to start your workout*

    About: A full body 'push' focused workout. A fairly simple, yet effective style of workout. We will squat, single legged squat, and upper body push. All low impact.

    Equipment Needed: A set of light-medium weights, ...

  • 30min Full Body + Pull Focused | STRENGTH

    Episode 2

    112. PREVIOUSLY LIVE ON MAY 26th, 2021

    *Skip to 12min mark to start your workout*

    About: A low impact, pull focused strength workout. We will row, kickstand deadlift, and work on some drills to help keep your core feeling strong and stable for your deadlifts.

    Equipment Needed: 1 medium - hea...

  • 30min All Core | STRENGTH

    Episode 3


    About: This workout will work your deep/inner core which is made up of your diaphragm, multifidus, pelvis floor, and transverse abdominals. This workout should leave you feel strong from your centre to help you feel powerful throughout the rest of your limbs. Expect to plank, dead-bug, sid...

  • 20min Full Body | STRETCH

    Episode 4


    About: A nice and gentle full body stretch focusing on the posterior part of your body. Expect to mobilize your hips, hamstrings, and back.

    Equipment Needed: Your mat and something to use as a yoga strap. I used a rolled up long sleeve.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/55qezFno...

  • 50min Full Body + Heavy Weights | STRENGTH

    Episode 5


    About: Workout with ME! An entirely rep based strength workout, where I will time our working sets and rests focusing on squats, rows, and your core. This is a great workout to revisit to build strength. I provide the rep ranges, but feel free to adjust depending on the weights you have av...