35min Lower Body + Glute's | SUPPORT
About: Expect a somewhat spicy workout for your glutes, and and hamstrings. We will deadlift, glute bridge, and clam shell.
Equipment Needed: All bodyweight. Option to use ankle weights if you want
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6FI6K50GjH9AViCIFU8fTF?si=5668cbed3f474f27
30min Full Body | STRETCH
*Skip to 10min mark to start your workout*
About: A very lovely 'good morning' vibe stretch. Lots of upper back and chest openers for all my sitters!
Equipment Needed: Just your mat and option for some books or yoga blocks if you like to bring the floor ...
45min Full Body + Heavy-ish Weights | STRENGTH
About: Give this all rep based strength workout a try. Expect to deadlift, lunge, row, chest press, and options to kettlebell or dumbbell swing. *I list this workout as a 'Type 3 Fun' because it requires some more complex understanding of properly dead-lifting and lunging. If you are a beg...
30min All Core | STRENGTH
About: This workout will work your deep/inner core which is made up of your diaphragm, multifidus, pelvis floor, and transverse abdominals. This workout should leave you feel strong from your centre to help you feel powerful throughout the rest of your limbs. Expect to plank, dead-bug, sid...
20min Full Body AMRAP Style | STRENGTH
About: Give this full body AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) style workout a try. Expect to squat, press, deadlift, and row. Your AMRAP is:
8 Squat to Press
8 Single Legged Deadlift --> 8 Rows
8 Leg Lowers/SideIn case you want a visual of what you are doing :)
Equipment: 2 light-medium ...
40min Full Body | SWEAT
About: A fun full bodied, sweat inducing workout. We will play around with some fun plyometric movements in this one. Low impact options available. Expect to lateral bound, burpee (sorry), squat, lunge, and push-up :)
Equipment: You only need 2 light weights to do a squat to press/thruster....